Browse services, programs, and resources by our community partners.
“The Gardens” A Family Care Community Center, Inc
2251 Florin Road Suite 129
Sacramento, CA 95822
Cross Streets: 24th and Florin Road
Web Site:
Agency Type: Nonprofit
Area Served: Sacramento County.
Eligibility: Homeless individuals/families/Veterans & Families, low income families, young adults, teens and youths
Fees: None/Some sliding scales cost.
Application Procedures: Telephone or walk-in.
Languages: Most languages by arrangement; American Sign Language.
Service Aids: Architecturally accessible, near bus line, parking available
Services Provided:
• HIV/AIDS testing/educational workshops,
• counseling services,
• support groups/workshops,
• outreach activities,
• case management,
• and emergency food/clothing closet,
• referrals to mental health services,
• transitional housing services for “Veterans” only “Men” housing advocacy, referral to housing services.
Volunteers of America – Mather
Community Campus
10636 Schirra Avenue
Mather, CA 95655
Web Site:
Contact: Ellen O’Neill
Hours: Seven days a week, 24-hours
Area Served: Sacramento County.
Eligibility: Homeless families and homeless individuals.
Fees: None
Service Aids: Architecturally accessible; near bus line, parking available.
Services Provided: Vocational training and transitional housing to homeless families and homeless individuals working towards self-sufficiency. Collaborative effort with other public and private community donors.
Sacramento Veterans Resource Center – Employment Services
AKA: Vietnam Veterans of California, Inc.
7270 East Southgate Drive
Sacramento, CA 95823
Cross-Streets: Florin Road & East Southgate Drive
Web Site:
Agency Type: Nonprofit
Contact: Sean M. Benedict, Director
Hours: Monday through Friday 8 am – 4 pm
Area Served: Northern California.
Eligibility: Unemployed or underemployed Veterans
Fees: None
Application Procedure: Telephone for orientation appointment
Service Aide: ADA accessible, near bus line; parking
Services Provided: Employment readiness programs that include job search workshop to assess career goals and overcome negative thinking. Career counseling, assistance with application preparation, Training and supportive services included. Outreach to homeless/unemployed Veterans: Referrals to shelter, drug and alcohol counseling and mental health programs: On-site 30-bed employment-based housing program and off-site women Veterans transitional housing. Drug /alcohol recovery program conducted on-site.
Supportive-Housing Program:
Employment-focused supportive housing program for 30 male and eight female Veterans; Extensive job search resources including computers, faxes, phones, job listing, 30-hour employment workshop, career testing, and job counseling. Limited funds for retraining; Extensive referral networks, on-site drug and alcohol out-patient classes and counseling; 22 bed in-bed patient drug alcohol recovery program.
Always Knocking Inc
4600 47th Avenue
Sacrament, CA 95824
Always Knocking, Inc. is a 501c3 organization serving male youth ages 10-18 years old.
• Change and adjust youth behavior
• Promote educational growth
• Provide assistance dealing with substance abuse
• Increase social skills
• Provide Employment and training assistance
• Decrease youth/gang violence
UC Davis University of California
Center for Reducing Health Disparities
UC Davis School of Medicine
2921 Stockton Blvd, Suite 1400
Sacramento, CA 95817
UC Davis Medical Center (UCDMC)
2315 Stockton Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95817
Cross-Streets: Stockton Blvd. & X Street
(800) 482-2384 – Consumer Resource Center
Web Site:
Agency Type: Nonprofit
Contact: Anne Madden Rice, Chief Executive Director Officer
Hours: Seven days a week, 24-hours
Area Served: Northern California and adjoining states.
Eligibility: Open
Fees: Fee for service, accepts Medi-Cal/Medicare, private insurance
Application Procedures: Telephone or walk-in.
Languages: Most languages by arrangement; American Sign Language.
Service Aids: Architecturally accessible; near bus line; parking; transportation available; uses volunteers.
Coffee and Conversation Foundation, Inc
4540 Florin Road/2251 Florin Road Suite 129
Sacramento, CA 95822
Patrice Tevis, LMFT #77135
Service Provides: Coffee and Conversation is a direct mental health service provider.
Coffee and Conversation assist individuals, families and the community in understanding the causes of mental illness and develop treatment methods for underserved populations. We offer a relaxed and trusting approach to treatment.
Turning Point Community Program – Integrated Services Agency
4600 47th Avenue, Suite 111
Sacramento, CA 95824
Cross-Streets: 46th Street & 47th Avenue
Web Site:
Contact: Betsy Cuttle
Hours: Seven days a week, 24 hours
Area Served: Sacramento County.
Eligibility: Residents of long-term care psychiatric hospital with a demonstrated need for support upon release.
Fees: No fee for clients.
Application Procedure: Referral from Division of Mental Health
Languages: Spanish by arrangement.
Service Aids: Architecturally accessible; near bus line; parking; transportation by arrangement and in emergencies.
Service Provided: Intensive 24-hours per day outpatient services to approximately 164 members; enriched by psychosocial rehabilitation program for adults with psychiatric disabilities; promote self-care and assists clients to move towards independence in the community.
Susie Gaines-Mitchell Building
2450 Florin Road
Sacramento, CA 95822
Cross-Streets: 24th Street & Florin Road
Contact: Debra Muro, Program Manager
Hours: Monday through Friday 7 am – 5 pm
Area Served: Zip Codes 95820, 95822, 95824, and 95831 fir CalWorks and Food Stamps; 95823, 95828 and 958332 for Medi-Cal.
Eligibility: No or Low low-income families or individuals.
Fees: None
Application Procedure: Telephone or walk in for appointment.
Languages: Most languages by arrangement.
Service Aids: Architecturally accessible; near bus line; parking.
Services Provided: Intake and continuing services for CalWorks, Food Stamps, Medi-Cal. Medical, hospital, drugs and nursing home care for less than 30 days are provided to Medi-Cal Assistance Only Beneficiaries. Payment for care made directly to each vendor. Some eligible people may have a share of cost. Income levels classed as “medically needy” also qualify for coverage. Employment services provides information and referral and clients make contact with service providers. Includes pre-employment skills training, job assessment, supportive services, case management, counseling, information and job placement. Referral to vocational rehabilitation programs for disabled clients.
Program: Sacramento County Public Health Division – HIV/STD Prevention Program
Agency: Sacramento County Department of Health Services – Public Health Division
Resource Number: 4094948
Description: the goal of this program is to prevent the spread of HIV and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) by providing leadership and coordination throughout Sacramento County in relation to:
• HIV/STD prevention and risk reduction through educational services.
• HIV/STD risk assessment and risk reduction counseling
• HIV/STD screening
• HIV/STD training and workshops
Services Provided:
• HIV antibody testing
• Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening
• Hepatitis C prevention and screening
• Outreach activities
• Technical assistance and Training/Professional Development
• Community involvement through the HIV Health Services Planning Council and the Sacramento
Workgroup to Improve Sexual Health (SacWish)
• County-wide HIV prevention activities
• Social marketing campaigns
• STD prevention and information
Programs Phones: (916) 875-1551 Appointments
Main Information: (916) 875-6022
Location Information: Sites offering this program:
Sexual Health Clinic
Location: 4600 Broadway, Suite 1300
Sacramento, CA 95820
Program Hours: Clinic Hours: Wednesday 8 am – Noon; Thursday, Friday 8 am – Noon, 1 – 5 pm
Description: Located at the intersection of Broadway and Stockton Boulevard.
Disabilities Access: Fully ADA Accessible.
Mailing Address: 4600 Broadway, Suite 1300, Sacramento, CA 95820
Program Delivery:
Eligibility: This program serves the following:
• Men who has sex with men (MSM)
• Injection Drug User
• Partners of Injection Drug Users
• Sex Industry Workers
• Individuals On Probation
• People Of Color
• Alcohol and drug recovery clients
• High-Risk youth and young adults
• HIV Positive Individuals
• HIV/STD Service Providers
• Youth Service Providers
• General Population
Languages: Most languages by arrangements, ASL by arrangement, English.
Application Process: Telephone for Appointment
Payment Methods: No Fees
Service Area: Sacramento County
Categorized As: Communicable Disease Control/ Hepatitis Testing/Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening, AIDS/HI Prevention Counseling, Contraception, Pregnancy Testing, Public Awareness/Education/Public Health Issues.
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